
2023 年 6 月 8 日,星期四
(多伦多,安大略)多伦多选民有千载难逢的机会来选举一位进步的、对工人友好的市长。 6月26日的选举对任何受够了不断上涨的生活成本、受够了从一份薪水到另一份薪水捉襟见肘的人来说都是一个机会。 我们想要一位了解当今工人面临的问题的市长,他将代表工人的利益,而不是卑街( Bay Street )和1%的利益。
华工网络( Chinese Workers Network ,CWN)很高兴支持邹至蕙(Olivia Chow)成为多伦多市长。
「邹至蕙是唯一一位具有经验平衡多市预算和平衡所有不同利益的候选人。 从企业利益到日常工人,他们都会试图游说市长办公室。」 华工网络共同主席郭旼修说。
「我在过去二十年的移民岁月,并将多伦多作为我的家,我遇到了邹至蕙,并见证了她是一个将言语付诸行动的人。 她值得信赖,并将确保多伦多是一个适合所有人居住的地方,」华工网络共同主席姜玲说。
「 负担能力现在是一个大问题,我相信邹至蕙将能确保多伦多可以成为所有人生活的地方。」 姜玲补充说。
华工网络的所有成员要么是自我认同的,要么是散居的华裔群体的一部分 。 我们中的一些人的家人已经在这里居住到第四代; 其他人分别来自香港、中国大陆、台湾和东南亚。 我们的愿景是改善所有人的生活和工作条件: 无论年轻人还是老年人,无论是在加拿大出生还是新来的,无论是黑人,土著还是有色人种,还是非种族化的。
- 使城市生活更加负担得起,包括改善图书馆、公共交通和公共项目等公共服务的使用机会;
- 创造和维持良好的工作,使工人能够有体面的生活,并住在靠近工作的地点;
- 为所有收入水平的人建造和增加供应负担得起的住房;
- 致力于建设一个方便老年人和残疾人士生活的安全城市。
在我们比较的所有候选人中,我们认为邹至蕙对不同级别的政府拥有最全面的经验。 邹至蕙在与各个政治派别的人合作完成工作方面有着良好的记录。
邹至蕙曾担任多伦多教育委员,了解教育中的关键问题。 作为前市议员,她还曾在市预算委员会任职,知道如何制定平衡的预算; 作为前国会议员,她知道联邦层面的预算和政策如何影响市政当局。 她是种族化社区的有力代言人,并在华人社区孜孜不倦地工作以取得进步。 邹至蕙整个职业生涯几乎都在为公众服务。 她有领导多伦多市的经验和能力。 邹至蕙的愿景是为所有人 – 所有在这个城市生活和工作的人。
郭旼修( Kingsley Kwok )
姜玲( Ling Jiang Li)
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Chinese Workers Network Endorses Olivia Chow for Mayor of Toronto
Once-In-A-Generation Opportunity to Elect A Progressive Mayor
Who Cares for Everyday Working People
(TORONTO, ONTARIO) – Voters in Toronto have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to elect a progressive, worker-friendly mayor. The election on June 26th is an opportunity for anyone who has had enough of rising costs of living, and has had enough of feeling squeezed from paycheque to paycheque. We want a mayor who knows the issues facing workers today and who will represent the interests of workers, not the interests of Bay Street and the 1%.
The Chinese Workers Network (CWN) is pleased to endorse Olivia Chow for Mayor of Toronto.
“Olivia Chow is the only candidate who has the level of experience to balance the City’s budget and balance all the varying interests who will be trying to lobby the Mayor’s office from corporate interest to everyday workers,” said Kingsley Kwok, Co-Chair of the Chinese Workers Network.
The Chinese Workers Network (CWN) aims to represent the voices of Chinese-Canadian workers in advocating and tangibly improving work conditions in an era where many workers face precarious, temporary, and unsafe work.
“In the last two decades of immigrating and making Toronto my home, I’ve met Olivia and have witnessed that she is a person who puts her words into action,” said Ling Jiang Li, Co-Chair of the Chinese Workers Network. “She is trustworthy and will make sure that Toronto is a place for everyone.”
“Affordability is a huge issue right now, and I am sure that Olivia will make sure Toronto can be a place for all,” added Ling Jiang Li.
All members of the CWN are either self-identified or part of the Chinese diaspora – with some of us whose families have resided here up to the fourth generation; others who have come from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia. They are driven by their vision to see improved living and working conditions for all people – whether young or old, whether born in Canada or newly arrived, whether Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour, or non-racialized.
We believe that all people coming to make the Greater Toronto Area their home should be able to live decent lives and have decent work.
The four key issues in this mayoral election for the Chinese Workers Network are:
- make life in the city more affordable, which includes improved access to public services such as libraries, public transit, and public programs;
- create and maintain good jobs so that workers can have decent standards of living, and live close to their places of work;
- build and increase the supply of deeply affordable housing for people of all income levels;
- commitment to building a safe city that is accessible for seniors and people with disabilities.
Of all the candidates CWN has compared, we believe that Olivia Chow has the most comprehensive experience at varying levels of government. Olivia has a proven track record of working with people across the political spectrum to get things done.
Olivia understands the critical issues in education having served as a former Toronto District School Board trustee. As a former City Councillor, she also served on the city’s budget committee and knows how to produce balanced budgets; and she knows how budgets and policies from a federal level impact the municipality, as a former Member of Parliament. She is a strong voice for racialized communities and has worked tirelessly within the Chinese community to make progress.
Olivia has spent almost her entire career serving the public. She has the experience and ability to lead the City of Toronto. Olivia’s vision is for the collective – for all people living and working in this city. The Chinese Workers Network is proud to endorse her to be the next mayor of Toronto.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Kingsley Kwok
Co-Chair of the CWN
Ling Jiang Li
Co-Chair of the CWN