150年在一起 ― 我們今後也在一起

•多倫多及約克地區勞工議會主席Andria Babbington在勞動節記者會上致詞。
勞工組織和工人行動主義正在興起。集體談判是勞動人民在工作中獲得發言權的方式。隨著北美各地的工人在星巴克、Indigo、Canada Goose、PetSmart和亞馬遜以及安省技術安全和標準局(TSSA)成功組建工會,我們看到加入勞工運動的願望正在加速。我們將共同為更多的工人帶來工會的好處。我們將一起為工會成員爭取公平的集體協定。

150 Years Together – Together We Will
Toronto & York Region Labour Council in Association with our Diverse Unions and Members
After two-and-a-half years of COVID-19, it’s time to take to the streets again. This Labour Day, the Toronto & York Region Labour Council and thousands of working people from across Toronto and York Region will march through the streets of this city. Together, we will celebrate the 150th anniversary of labour marching in Toronto streets and demonstrating our power and determination. Together with our sisters, brothers, and comrades, we will continue to fight for working people everywhere.
Workers have had a lot to deal with in the past year. The prolonged pandemic, return to austerity by governments, employers ignoring workers’ sacrifices, and high inflation keeps raising a growing voice of worker dissatisfaction in many sectors. One obvious example: Ford offers wage increases to education workers of 1.25% and 2% while the inflation rate is 8%.
We must keep fighting to correct this exploitative behaviour. Together we will show our power and strength as a labour movement.
Labour organizing and worker activism are on the rise. Collective bargaining is how working people gain a voice at their job. As workers successfully unionize across North America at Starbucks, Indigo, Canada Goose, PetSmart and Amazon, and also at Ontario’s Technical Safety and Standards Authority (TSSA), we see that the desire to join the labour movement is picking up steam. Together we will bring the benefits of unions to more workers. Together we will fight for union members to get fair collective agreements.
Workers aren’t only committed to fighting for workplace and economic justice, but also for social, racial, and climate justice. We fight for the “whole worker”, meaning for our families and communities as well. We need quality public services, fair funding, affordable housing, and equity. Every day, the Labour Council is dedicated to advocating for gender equality and fairness for Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), empowering workers to improve their jobs and strengthen the economy in a more sustainable way.
This Labour Day, as the 2022 Municipal Election is approaching, we encourage union members to vote and volunteer for progressive candidates. We will continue our political bargaining campaigns to demand policies that bring positive changes for working people. We will make our demand clear: a post-pandemic future that includes a just, job-rich transition for workers and communities which is democratic, worker-focused and public-service-led.
Marching since 1872, we keep fighting to improve what working people demanded 150 years ago: higher pay, better working conditions and the right to bargain collectively. At this 150th anniversary of Labour Day, let’s work together to bring to our younger generation and new Canadians a message that a union is a real option. By organizing and celebrating this Labour Day, let’s get more connected to our colleagues and our labour communities. We will keep growing our collective community and continue the culture of solidarity.
Together we will!

President, Toronto & York Region Labour Council