



很多有工會的工人認為他們現有的工資標準和福利是理所當然的,他們相信公司所付給的是正常運作的一部分, 而不是過往爭取的成果。這需要在大多倫多地區廣泛舉行大量的歷史講座,以解釋集體權利如何為所有人提高生活水準。儘管勞工運動帶領贏得最低工資時薪增加到10.25元,但是現今仍有不少工人的時薪僅僅高於最低工資的規定。






很多有工会的工人认为他们现有的工资标准和福利是理所当然的,他们相信公司所付给的是正常运作的一部分, 而不是过往争取的成果。这需要在大多伦多地区广泛举行大量的历史讲座,以解释集体权利如何为所有人提高生活水准。尽管劳工运动带领赢得最低工资时薪增加到10.25元,但是现今仍有不少工人的时薪仅仅高于最低工资的规定。


Right to Work Legislation should really be called “Right to Lower Wages”

Most jobs today that provide “middle class” incomes were once poverty wage jobs. That includes occupations as diverse as teaching, manufacturing, healthcare and social work. The ability of workers in each of those sectors to improve their standard of income and working conditions is the legacy of the labour movement. By standing as a collective, workers formed unions and improved their livelihoods. Other legacies of union bargaining are the social policies we all enjoy today – healthcare, pensions, unemployment insurance, workers compensation, paid holidays, maternity leave and a minimum wage.

But rich business owners have now decided that the next generation of Canadians are worth less than those who came before. We can already see struggling young workers all around us. Young people are being offered 2-tier wage structures, lower benefits, and no hope of a secure pension.

To increase their control, business hopes to import so-called Right to Work legislation into Canada. The proposal is that workers in a unionized workplace have a “choice” about whether they pay union dues, while still enjoying the benefits brought through union efforts. This is not really about workers choice, but the desire of corporations to weaken workers’ bargaining power in order to create a cheap labour pool.

Many unionized workers take the level of wages and benefits for granted, believing that the company gives these things as part of normal practice, rather than the result of past struggle. There needs to be a massive history lesson undertaken across the GTA, explaining how collective rights have been essential in raising the standard of living for all. Although the labour movement led and won the fight to increase the minimum wage to $10.25, there are many people today who are working but barely making above the minimum wage.

This so-called “right-to-work” legislation would only provide employers with increased access to more people working for poverty wages. That’s not the kind of Canada we want, or deserve. On March 2nd Labour Council will launch a major campaign to respond to this threat. Find out more at www.labourcouncil.ca


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