
很多移民來到加拿大後讚賞這國家偉大社會政策的平等和公平。一切從免費醫療到產假福利,還有勞工法規定的每週工作時數, 人民感恩能生活在這個偉大的國家。但很多人不知道的是,我們現在所享受的自由,是由我們之前的工人和工會艱苦奮鬥所贏的勝利。

因為我們的教科書在教育年輕人勞工史方面做的很不好, 很多年輕人認為他們現在享受的周末和法定最底時薪是理所當然的。老一輩感謝加拿大政府提供照顧其國民政策的善舉。這篇短文希望強調的是加拿大現今社會政策的形成一些不為人知的歷史, 不是因為加拿大政府的良好願望,而是過去我們勞工的奮鬥結果。


一個世紀以前,大多數人一個星期工作六十到七十小時,雖然1872 年罷工要求九小時的工作日, 但直至1918年由於大量的罷工運動和工會的壓力才令八小時的工作日成為規定。同年,第一個最低工資的法例由緬尼吐巴省和卑詩省通過。工會為提高最低工資而繼續鬥爭,事實上,這是由多倫多及約克區勞工議會帶領了成功的運動,使安省的最低工資提高至每小時$10.25。


1962年,第一個公共醫療系統由薩斯卡川省新民主黨政府在北美建立。儘管保險業的宣傳運動花費了數百萬, 但工會和勞工積極分子在教育群眾關於公共衛生好處方面發揮了重要作用。





很多移民来到加拿大后赞赏这国家伟大社会政策的平等和公平。 一切从免费医疗到产假福利,还有劳工法规定的每周工作时数, 人民感恩能生活在这个伟大的国家。但很多人不知道的是,我们现在所享受的自由,是由我们之前的工人和工会艰苦奋斗所赢的胜利。

因为我们的教科书在教育年轻人劳工史方面做的很不好, 很多年轻人认为他们现在享受的周末和法定最底时薪是理所当然的。老一辈感谢加拿大政府提供照顾其国民政策的善举。这篇短文希望强调的是加拿大现今社会政策的形成一些不为人知的历史, 不是因为加拿大政府的良好愿望,而是过去我们劳工的奋斗结果。


一个世纪以前,大多数人一个星期工作六十到七十小时,虽然1872 年罢工要求九小时的工作日, 但直至1918年由于大量的罢工运动和工会的压力才令八小时的工作日成为规定。同年,第一个最低工资的法例由缅尼吐巴省和卑诗省通过。工会为提高最低工资而继续斗争,事实上,这是由多伦多及约克区劳工议会带领了成功的运动,使安省的最低工资提高至每小时$10.25。


1962年,第一个公共医疗系统由萨斯卡川省新民主党政府在北美建立。尽管保险业的宣传运动花费了数百万, 但工会和劳工积极分子在教育群众关于公共卫生好处方面发挥了重要作用。




How Unions Have Helped All Workers – Part 1

Many immigrants come to Canada and praise this country for its great social policies of equality and fairness. With everything from free healthcare to maternity benefits to labour laws that regulate working conditions, people are thankful to live in such a great country. What many don’t know is that these freedoms that we enjoy are victories hard fought and won by workers and unions before us.

Since young people learn little about labour history at school, they take it for granted that they are able to enjoy weekends and are guaranteed a minimum wage for their work. Older people thank the Canadian government for its benevolence in providing good social policies that take care of its people. What this short article hopes to highlight is some of the untold history of how social policies in Canada came to be – not because of the good will of any Canadian government, but through the struggle of working peoples before us.

Eight-hour workday and minimum wage laws

A century ago most people worked sixty to seventy hours a week. Although there were strikes and calls for a nine-hour day as early as 1872, it was only until 1918 due to massive strike action and labour union pressure that the eight-hour workday becomes the standard. In the same year, the first minimum wage legislation is passed by Manitoba and British Columbia. Unions continue to fight for increases to the minimum wage. In fact it was the Toronto & York Region Labour Council that led the successful campaign to have the minimum wage increased to $10.25 in Ontario.

Universal healthcare

In 1962, the first universal health care system in North America is established by the NDP government of Saskatchewan. It was opposed by a multi-million dollar propaganda campaign from the insurance industry, but trade unions and the NDP organized across the country to expand public health care across Canada.

Occupational Health Act

Union health and safety activists led the fight for the right for people have a say in workplace safety and to refuse unsafe work. It was passed into law in 1972 in Saskatchewan and then in 1990 to Ontario – thanks to relentless union activism.

More to come next week on how unions have helped all workers.

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