UFCW L-1000A 會員 團結致勝 最佳證明

UFCW L-1000A 會員 團結致勝 最佳證明
加拿大UFCW工會第1000A分會會員於9月20日投通票確認與Ryding Regency Meatpackers Ltd達成的新合約,資方超過三星期的關廠停工行動從而結束。
領導工會談判小組的Don Taylor讚揚工人,在面對逆境時表現巨大的勇氣、決心和應變能力,團結一致為他們的未來取得一份公平的合約。
Taylor 表示,這場勝利是我們的成員令人難以置信的團結的證明,在社區的支持下,使公平的美夢成真。
詳情請參閱:A Victory fo UFCW Local 1000A members
A Victory for Local 1000A members at Ryding Regency as New Deal Ratified
UFCW Canada Local 1000A members voted on September 20 to ratify a new contract with Ryding Regency Meatpackers Ltd, bringing to end a lockout that had spanned three weeks.
The contract covers more than 130 workers and runs from March 2012 to March 2016.
“In the face of adversity, our members showed tremendous courage, determination and resilience in coming together to achieve a fair contract for their future,” said Don Taylor, lead negotiator for the union’s bargaining committee. “The company tried to break the workers’ resolve and wear them down. Ultimately, they failed and were forced to back down on their unreasonable demands.”
The company wanted to impose a wage freeze, unrestricted use of temporary workers and eliminate short-term disability benefits.
The workers’ efforts resulted in wage increases over the course of the agreement and the protection of workers’ short-term disability benefits. Both parties also reached a resolution regarding on the use of non-bargaining unit workers.
“This victory is a testament to our members’ incredible solidarity,” Taylor said. “Together with the community’s support, we made fairness happen.”
The 24-hour picket lines began immediately after Ryding Regency locked the workers out on the eve of the Labour Day weekend.
“The longer we were out, the stronger we became,” said Steve Lavalle, a member of the union’s bargaining committee and the union’s Unit Chair at the facility.
Local 1000A members stood strong in the pouring rain, in the midnight hours, and through the heat-filled days.
“We feel we are like brothers— we became a family,” said Luis Abarca, a trimmer and a member of the bargaining committee.
Local 1000A thanks all those who supported our members during the lockout! Thank you for making a difference.
For full article:A Victory fo UFCW Local 1000A members